Platforms have been around for a long time. They do offer tracking. With this tracking comes the ability to do astrophotography without the need for field rotation. Dobsonians can do photography but would require a field derotator. Although it is our plan to introduce field rotation support, it will not be done until an actual mechanical field rotator comes available.
In order to help you in your buying decision we have the following information. We have listed items of comparison and how each solution, a platform and the ServoCAT handle the issue. Be aware this information is either actual detail (specifications) or comments from platform and previous platform owners.
Are you looking for a means of doing photography? Is your dobsonian scope smaller than 12”? If the answer to either of these questions is yes than a single axis platform is more than likely the best solution for your tracking needs.
If on the other hand you are not interested in long term photography and your scope is 12” or larger especially if your scope is 16” or more than the Servo Powered ServoCAT may well be the better featured AND most cost effective means of obtaining tracking AND GOTO.
One additional assumption is made in this comparison: That you either have or will soon or in the future be adding Digital Setting circles to your telescope for use with the telescope. If you will NEVER add a DSC – the platform or for that matter the DOBDriver are excellent choices!